Basic furnishings for rabbits
Rabbits are social animals that should always be kept with a friend. Rabbits can be kept indoors or outdoors. However, they cannot withstand large temperature differences. It is therefore not recommended to bring outdoor rabbits indoors in winter, or vice versa. This basic design assumes rabbits are kept indoors. For two medium-sized rabbits, a safe, enclosed space in the house of at least 6 square meters is required.
Shelter house
Rabbits are prey animals and feel safe when they can hide. Ideally, there should be a shelter for every animal. Rabbits prefer shelters with multiple openings. We have chosen The Trixie Plush Relax Shelter 36 cm. This is a soft hiding place with two openings. The shelter also has a flat roof and the rabbits can sit on top of it. As a second shelter we choose the Trixie Wilgenbrug Blank 69 x 40 cm. This bridge can be flexibly bent into different shapes. By bending the bridge into a semicircle we create a nice hiding place.
Rabbits are easy to potty train. This is especially nice for rabbits that are kept indoors! The rabbits then need a spacious toilet. We chose the Trixie Toilet Brisko with Rim 50 cm. This is a spacious, rectangular toilet. The edge ensures that as little toilet bedding as possible ends up next to the toilet.
Toilet bed
Obviously we need a toilet bed for the toilet. This bedding must be well absorbent. A good option is Back 2 Nature. This is a dust-free paper grain that is excellently absorbent.
In nature, rabbits dig entire tunnel systems underground. Unfortunately, we may not have these in the living room. But we can offer the rabbits tunnels to run through! Most rabbits love this. We choose the Trixie Play Tunnel 117 cm.
The most important part of a rabbit's diet is definitely hay! The fibers from hay are essential for digestion. Hay must therefore always be available in unlimited quantities. The Alpine meadow hay from Vitakraft contains a natural content of tasty herbs and is therefore generally very good to eat.
We use a hay rack to keep the hay neatly together. We use the Trixie Metal Hay Rack for hanging 20 cm with roof. The rack is made of gnaw-resistant material. A good tip is to hang the rack above the toilet. Rabbits like to eat and defecate at the same time. The roof ensures that the rabbits cannot jump into the rack.
In addition to hay and fresh vegetables, rabbits need pellets. Only 5% of a rabbit's diet should consist of pellets. So they don't need that much of it. We choose the Selective Rabbit Adult Rabbit Food. This is an all-in-one chunk, which has the great advantage that the animals cannot eat selectively.
Food trough
We can offer the chunks in a food bowl. This way it stays clean and together. A separate feeding bowl is needed for each animal, so we prevent conflict from arising. The Trixie Ceramic Food Bowl Carrot 14 cm is available in four different colors. It's fun to choose a different color for each rabbit!
Drinking bottle
In addition to food, rabbits must of course always have drinking water available. We choose the Classic Drinking Bottle 1100 ml. We choose a drinking bottle because this way we can be sure that the rabbits always have access to clean drinking water. A water bowl can become contaminated or knocked over too quickly.
Gnawing material
Rabbits have a need to gnaw, which is also necessary to wear down their incisors. Therefore, suitable gnawing material must always be present. If this is not the case, the rabbits will start gnawing on other objects (for example furniture). The Ham-Stake Birch Gnawing Discs with Herbs are freshly cut from the birch tree.
Of course, we like to spoil our rabbits a little every now and then. This is also allowed, but with a healthy snack. A good example of a healthy snack is the Vitakraft Loftys. The sweets are made from grains and hay and are therefore a responsible snack. Naturally, all snacks must be fed in moderation.
Of course we want the rabbits to have a good time. Rabbits are curious animals and they like to have something to do. The Carrot Dreamcatcher is made of luffa and can easily be hung. The dangling effect provides extra fun!
All these products together provide good basic furnishings for your indoor rabbits. Of course, certain products can be replaced by a similar product according to your own preference. You can view the products below and easily order what you like! If you have any questions or need help, we are of course happy to assist you!