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Have a question about this product? Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!
Discover the comfort of this cozy, soft floor covering made from shredded paper. The award-winning Über products offer high quality, naturalness and environmental friendliness. With an odor control of 14 days on average, they distinguish themselves from the competition. This bedding is ideal for gerbils, hamsters, mice, guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas, rabbits and ferrets, and provides a comfortable and responsible living environment for your small pets!
✔ Made of paper for an environmentally friendly choice
✔ Available in cozy colors that match your interior
✔ Excellent absorption capacity for a clean and fresh stay
✔ Perfect for creating fun Hamsterscaping & Gerbilscaping !
Our products are completely natural and free of artificial or unsafe chemical additives. We strive for a positive contribution to the environment through full waste utilization. Sustainability and responsibility are of paramount importance to us.
As bedding for small rodents (Mouse, Dwarf Hamster, Hamster, Gerbil)
Apply a thick layer of at least 20 cm in the enclosure and let the animals do the rest. They will dig to their heart's content! A hamster's change can sometimes last up to three months.
Hamsterscaping for small rodents (Mouse, Dwarf Hamster, Hamster, Gerbil)
Carefresh is very well suited for hamster scapes. It is a wonderfully soft, diggable ground cover in which the animals can dig and romp. It is possible to give the Carefresh even more strength by mixing it with other bedding such as hay, cotton or hemp.
As bedding for larger rodents (Rat, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Chinchilla, Degu)
Spread a layer of approximately 10 cm thick in the enclosure and tamp it down lightly until a layer of at least 5 cm remains. Depending on the rodent, change it as soon as it starts to smell. Remove only the dirty spot from the cage every week and leave the rest. Then replenish the cage as necessary. Refreshing the entire cage can be postponed for up to 4 weeks!
Keep the ground cover dry and cool.
Material: | Paper |
Liter (approx): | 36 Liter |
Weight (approx): | 3 kg |
Suitable for: | Rodents, Mouse, Dwarf Hamster, Hamster, Gerbil, Rat, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Chinchilla, Degu |
Particularities: | - |
Het heeft geen stof, geweldig materiaal, alleen spijtig dat de prijs zo hoog is, koop dit echter maar alleen twee keer per jaar, ik maak mijn hamster kooi om de twee manden schoon!!!
zeer fijne bodembedekker!
Ik gebruik een gedeelte met Katoen & Katoen en een gedeelte met Über papier als bodembedekking. De bodembedekking Über papier is heerlijk zacht en voelt erg prettig aan. Zelfs mijn kleine vriend ( russische dwerghamster ) is er dol op, de gegraven gangetjes blijven goed staan en de kleine vriend verstopt zich er graag in.