Running wheels for rats in the rat web shop

Small rodents such as Rats benefit greatly from an exercise wheel. An exercise wheel not only provides extra exercise, but is also a challenge and a fun activity for Rats. It is important that an exercise wheel is safe. That is why you have come to DRD Ra
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Order an exercise wheel for your Rat quickly and easily at DRD Rodent Shop ® The Rat Webshop for your Rat!

Rodents such as Rats benefit from a running wheel. A running wheel not only provides extra exercise, but also a challenge and a fun activity for Rats. It is important that a running wheel is safe. That is why you have come to the right place at DRD Ratten Webshop. With us you have a wide choice of different types, sizes, colours and brands of running wheels and running discs for a competitive price!

What is the best exercise wheel material for rats?

Wood, Metal, Plastic? For the Rat it often doesn't matter what material the wheel is made of; he is happy to be able to run! A nice side effect of a wooden wheel is that the nails wear out better than in a metal or plastic wheel.

How to clean wooden running wheels for rats?

It used to be a challenge to clean a wooden exercise wheel, but fortunately that is a thing of the past. Nowadays, there are two types of cleaning products that can be used to easily clean wooden exercise wheels. The first product is CSI Urine Spray and the second is Eco Pets Urine Buster . Both cleaning products work on an enzyme basis and tackle the bacteria that are in urine. These bacteria are responsible for the well-known urine smell. Both sprays remove the bacteria and dirt so that the exercise wheel is fresh and clean again.

Can you clean rat running wheels with water?

For all running wheels it is not good to rinse them completely under the tap. It is very important that the turning mechanism (ball bearing) does not get wet. The more often the turning mechanism is rinsed the stiffer it becomes. This can cause it to squeak sooner and run stiffer.

We do not recommend washing wooden running wheels with water. Wiping them with a damp cloth is no problem, but it is not good for the running wheels to get them completely wet. Wetting the running wheel can cause the glue to come loose.

What should you do when the Rat Wheel squeaks?

A running wheel can make more noise over time. For a squeaky running wheel, we recommend a drop of olive oil. This can be applied to the turning mechanism.

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