Natural food for Gerbils in the Gerbil Webshop!

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Order Gerbil food easily and quickly at DRD Knaagdierwinkel® The Gerbil Webshop for your Gerbils!

gerbil food For natural gerbil food for your Gerbils you have come to the right place in our Gerbil webshop ! Do you really want to spoil your Gerbils with healthy, balanced gerbil food ? Then look further because with us you will find different types of gerbil food for an attractive price. Ordering is easy and fast at DRD Knaagdierwinkel!

What is good gerbil food?

Gerbils are gourmets by nature and have refined tastes when it comes to their food. They love a gastronomic experience in their little world. Imagine them waving their paws in the air and saying, “Bring me the tastiest seeds and grains you can find, my good people!”

But beware, gerbils also have their own version of a fast food addiction. They would love to drive through the drive-thru and shout, “I want an extra-large serving of sunflower seeds and a mealworm milkshake, please!” Let's just tell them that a balanced diet is important, even for small rodents.

And let's face it, gerbils have a knack for hidden treasures. They hide their food like they are little treasure hunters. You might catch them scurrying around under blankets or in their tunnels and mutter, "I'll protect my food supply, no one will find these delicious treats!"

So, make sure your gerbils are treated like the foodies they are, but don't forget to help them make healthy choices. And who knows, they might even get a Michelin star for the best rodent restaurant in town!

What food is suitable for Gerbils?

Gerbils need a balanced diet that is tailored to the nutritional needs of the animals. Since Gerbils are desert animals, they require a meager diet. In the Gerbil's natural habitat, food and water are difficult to find. Characteristic of the Gerbil is that it drinks little compared to other rodents. They eat and drink sparingly. The Gerbil's body is not used to too much fat and sugars and therefore these ingredients should preferably not be included in a good gerbil diet.

Gerbils that are still growing effectively eat between 5 to 6 grams of dry food/day or 8 to 10 g of food/100 g of body weight. Gerbils drink approximately 4 to 10 ml of water/100 g bw/day. Total daily water intake (including water in food and metabolic water) is estimated at 8 to 13 percent of body weight.

An optimal protein percentage for growing gerbils appears to be 16%. A magnesium or sodium deficiency can cause baldness and convulsions in Gerbils.

In nature, gerbils eat seeds, grains, plant parts and insects. Because gerbils naturally occur in dry areas, they are very economical with water. Gerbils do not drink much and produce little urine. However, they must always have fresh and clean drinking water available. However, you don't have to worry if your Gerbils drink little. Gerbils' food should not contain too much fat and sugars. Gerbils need animal protein. A small amount of green food can be given as a supplement. Gerbils' incisors continue to grow throughout their lives. Breaking open seeds and gnawing on larger food components causes the incisors to wear down. The gerbil has a small appendix.

Protein: Gerbils need animal protein. The food should contain a protein content of 14-15%. This can be supplemented with, for example, mealworms as a snack. Animal proteins are essential for good metabolism. The valuable amino acids are important for cell renewal and various metabolic processes.

Fats: The gerbil food should not contain too much fat. A percentage of up to 4% fat in the diet is desirable. Gerbils easily become overweight. That is why it is important that there is no more than 4% fat in the diet.

Fiber: The fiber content in the diet should not exceed 7%. Gerbils need easily digestible energy because they have a fast metabolism. This is mainly obtained from seeds. Too much fiber provides too little energy.

Calcium: The calcium: phosphorus ratio should be between 1.1:1 and 1.5-1.

What do Gerbils eat in the wild?

gerbil food Seeds: Gerbils love seeds and they play an important role in their diet. They can feed on a variety of seeds, such as grass seeds, cereal grains, nuts and seeds of various plants.

Grasses and Herbs: Gerbils prefer grasses and herbs that grow abundantly in their natural environment. They can feed on various types of grasses and herbs such as meadow grass, dandelions, clover and other available plants.

Leaves and shoots: Gerbils can feast on the leaves and shoots of various plants. They like to nibble on green leaves, young twigs and other delicate plant parts.

Roots and tubers: Gerbils have the ability to dig for and eat roots and tubers. Root vegetables and other underground parts of plants provide nutrients and moisture to Gerbils in their natural habitat.

Insects: Although Gerbils mainly eat seeds and plant parts, they may occasionally eat insects. This can be done to supplement their diet or if there is a lack of plant foods. They can consume small insects such as beetles, grasshoppers and larvae.

How does a Gerbil's digestion work?

Ah, the secrets of gerbil digestion! Let's take a look into the culinary world of these little rodents.

The gerbil, a modest granivore, has a digestive system that is perfectly suited to its seed-rich diet. But let's not forget that they also have a penchant for a little green on their plate. They are like gourmets who feast on herbs, grassy plants and even the succulent stems of plants. You can almost hear them say, "Ah, a touch of grass, a pinch of spice, and my meal is complete!"

Now, let's talk about those famous gerbil incisors. These little cuties grow continuously, which means the gerbil is always looking for food to wear them down. Imagine they are little gnawing masters performing their own version of "Extreme Makeover: Dental Edition" with their teeth. They gnaw on everything they can find, as if they were their own personal dentist. "Nibble here, nibble there, and my teeth are ready again!"

And let's not forget that a gerbil's stomach consists of a single chamber. It's as if they've reserved an intimate table for one in their stomach restaurant. One part of the stomach doesn't even have a gland, as if it were an exclusive VIP area where only the most refined dishes are served. “Ah, this part without the gland is perfect for my seed tasting, and the other part with the gland is great for some extra digestive enzymes!”

But let's not forget that gerbils also have a small appendix. They are not as fond of rough fibers as a rabbit is. They prefer to keep it subtle with less fiber on their menu. They look at raw fibers and say, "No thanks, we like to keep it smooth."

So there you have it, a gerbil's digestion with a touch of humor. It is a culinary journey of seeds, spices, teeth wear and stomach divisions. These little rodents know how to enjoy a good meal. Cheers to gerbil gastronomy!

Oral Cavity: This is where the Gerbil plays his own "MasterChef" and thoroughly inspects all food. They chew like true culinary experts and mix the food with their saliva so that the tasty dish is ready to go!

Esophagus: The esophagus is like an amusement park slide where food goes on a wild ride to the stomach. The Gerbil prepares for the "esophageal coaster" as the food is swallowed with joy.

Maag: Welcome to the "Maagbistro"! Here the food is mixed with gastric juice that acts as a special sauce to enhance the flavors. The Gerbil hopes that the cook has not added too much hydrochloric acid, otherwise it will be a spicy experience!

Small Intestine: The real party begins in the "Food Academy"! The small intestine is like a culinary laboratory where enzymes and juices are added to completely break down the food. The Gerbil has its own Michelin star chef here who ensures that every nutritional molecule is perfectly extracted for optimal nutritional absorption.

Colon: Welcome to the "Water Attraction"! The colon is like a giant water slide where fluid is absorbed and stool is formed. The Gerbil hopes he didn't drink too much water before starting this wild ride, otherwise it will be a splash zone experience!

Rectum: The "Last Stop"! This is where the feces are, ready to be eliminated from the body. It's like the exit of a movie theater, where the Gerbil quickly runs out to the next adventure!

A Gerbil's digestive tract is like a gastronomic adventure with each organ playing its own role in the tasty journey of food. They certainly have a unique digestive system that reflects their fun and adventurous nature!

What do a Gerbil's teeth look like?

A Gerbil's teeth are a fascinating feature of these small rodents. Here are some interesting facts about a Gerbil's teeth:

Incisors: Gerbils have two large incisors at the front of their mouth, in both the upper jaw and the lower jaw. These incisors continue to grow throughout their lives, similar to other rodents. The constant growth is necessary because the Gerbil wears its teeth while gnawing on different materials, such as food, wood and toys.

Tooth Structure: A Gerbil's teeth are covered with a hard layer of enamel, which aids in chewing and wearing down food. Beneath the enamel is dentin, a softer tissue that forms the core of the tooth. The dentin contains small tubes that supply the tooth with nutrients.

Rodents with continuously growing teeth: Gerbils belong to the group of rodents with continuously growing teeth, also called "open roots". This means that their teeth do not stop growing, unlike humans, for example. Regular gnawing wears down a Gerbil's teeth and keeps them at a healthy length.

Gnawing: Gnawing is essential for Gerbils, not only to wear down their teeth, but also to strengthen their jaw muscles. It also helps maintain healthy teeth and satisfy their natural gnawing instincts.

Healthy teeth: To maintain healthy teeth in your Gerbil, it is important to provide him with suitable gnawing material, such as wooden toys and gnawing wood. These materials provide resistance and help the teeth wear down. Also ensure that your Gerbil's diet has a good balance of nutritious foods to promote optimal dental health.

A Gerbil's teeth are an important feature that allows them to process food and gnaw on various materials. Due to their continuously growing teeth and natural gnawing behavior, Gerbils have the necessary resources to maintain healthy teeth.

Does the Fat-tailed Gerbil need different food?

Ah, the Fat-tailed gerbil, the culinary adventurer among gerbils! This little rodent has a refined taste that dates back to its insectivorous ancestors. You can almost see it in the way he lifts his pointed snout and says, "I was born to eat bugs!"

Now, let's look at the regular gerbil food. It's like a hearty meal for the Fat-tailed Gerbil, a foundation on which he can build. But let's face it, even the most refined gastronomic enthusiast wants some variety in their diet every now and then. So in addition to that excellent gerbil food, the Fat-tailed Gerbil needs a daily dose of insects to satisfy his inner insect-eater. “A few mealworms here, a few crickets there, and I'm a happy gerbil!”

Fortunately, special insect mixes are available for these rodent adventurers. It's as if they have their own secret "Insect Mix à la Fat-tailed Gerbil", with a perfect combination of crawling beetles, jumping crickets and tickling mealworms. They look at it and say, "Ah, the smells, the flavors, the crunchy bits. This is my personal insect party!"

So there you have it, the Fat-tailed Gerbil and his insect adventures. From gerbil food to insect dinners, this little rodent knows how to satisfy his culinary cravings. It's as if he's saying, "Give me bugs and I'll be the king of my own rodent kitchen!"

So serve those insects on a silver platter (or actually just in his food bowl), and watch the Fat-tailed Gerbil bring out his inner insect-eater. Enjoy your meal, little adventurer!

Did you know?
Fat-tailed gerbils naturally eat more insects? Therefore, give fat-tailed gerbils extra (dried) insects occasionally.

Where does the Gerbil hide his food?

gerbil food Ah, the Gerbil and its strategic food hiding places, a mystery that intrigues us all! When the Gerbil isn't busy digging tunnels and building cute little nests, he's busy hiding his precious food supply. But where does he actually hide that tasty stuff?

Well, this adventurous rodent isn't a fan of playing hide and seek with his meals. He has a serious matter on his paws and that is finding the perfect place to keep his food. In the vast steppe regions, semi-deserts and deserts of Mongolia, Russia and China, where the Mongolian Gerbil has made its home, food sources are scarce. So he has to be smart and secure his food for later use.

If you look closely, you will notice that the Gerbil is a true master at hiding his food. He will use his little legs to carry his food into his underground kingdom of tunnels and chambers. Somewhere deep underground, in his own personal gastronomic cave, he creates a storeroom where his precious seeds and delicacies are safe from the grasping eyes of others.

But where exactly does he hide his food? Ah, that's the secret of the Gerbil! He carefully chooses hidden nooks and crannies, under the guise of "out of sight, out of mind". Maybe he hides his seeds behind a secret door in his tunnels, or maybe he has a hidden treasure chest somewhere in the sand dunes. We'll never really know.

So the next time you see a Gerbil digging and running, remember that he is securing his food supply in a place where only he knows the code. It's like he's playing his own version of "Hide the Feed" and keeping us all in suspense. It's just Gerbil magic in action!

So, dear Gerbil, continue your secret mission of hiding food and saving those seeds like a true treasure hunter. We admire your skills and your secret stashes deep underground. You're the Indiana Jones of the rodent world, and we can't wait to see where your next adventure takes you!

Did you know about gerbils?

Did you know that Gerbils are real gourmets? They have a refined taste and know exactly what they like. It's as if they are little food critics looking for the perfect taste sensation in their rodent world!

Imagine you are a chef in a Gerbil restaurant. You present them with a delicious salad of juicy seeds, crunchy leaves and fresh herbs. They sniff it, taste it carefully and then give you an approving nod with their cute faces. You know you've found the right recipe that will make their taste buds tingle with joy!

But, just like in a restaurant, Gerbils also have their own favorite dishes. Perhaps there are some seeds they prefer over others, or they have a preference for certain types of grass. It is important to discover their personal taste preferences and spoil them with a menu they will love.

And let's not forget that Gerbils also love discovering new flavors. If you occasionally surprise them with a small treat, such as a piece of dried fruit or a crunchy mealworm, they will certainly reward you with an energetic and cheerful response. It's like they're saying, "Chef, this is great! What a tasty surprise!"

So, remember that Gerbils not only gnaw on their food, but are also real gourmets. Experiment with different flavors and textures to make their eating experience exciting and enjoyable. Who knows, maybe you'll become the Michelin Star Chef of the Gerbil World and get rave reviews from your furry guests!

Gerbils can eat these plants

Wild Plants Branches and Leaves Vegetable

Strawberry leaf
Mountain savory
Nettle (dried)
Canadian fleabane
Wild garlic
Cow parsley
Spotted lungwort
Cat's tail
Common agrimony
Just pig grass
Ordinary rocket
Box peat
Ground trot
Shepherd's purse
Deer hay
Hedge vetch
Incarnate clover
Japanese knotweed
Nodding nailwort
Cucumber herb
Compass lettuce
Queen's herb
Cornflower blue
Cornflower Red
Wood sorrel
Milk Thistle/Milk Thistle
Bee bread
Arrowwort cherry
Roller clover
Stripe seed
Narrow plantain
Evening primrose
Lamb's lettuce
Field cherry
Fodder vetch
Flax Snapdragon
Lady's mantle
Wild carrot
Winter purslane
White Krodde
Ground elder
Silver beauty

Redcurrant and bush
Apple tree
Apricot tree
Bilberry bush
Raspberry bush
Quince tree
Gooseberry bush
Lime tree
Pear tree
Peach tree
Plum tree
Ranunculus bush
Fig tree
Iceberg lettuce
Head lettuce
Bell pepper
Parsley root
Corn leaf
Red chicory
Romana lettuce
Lamb's lettuce



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