The Tierschutz-Kennzeichen (Animal Welfare Label) is the only official seal for products that comply with the Austrian Animal Welfare Act. It is granted by the Fachstelle für tiergerechte Tierhaltung und Tierschutz (FTT), an independent authority established by the legislator, and guarantees compliance with animal welfare regulations.
In today's world, where the well-being of our pets is becoming increasingly important, research and development play a crucial role in improving products for rodents. Our goal is to offer the best for your rodent, which leads to the continuous enhancement of our product range.
The tame colored mouse comes from the house mouse (Mus musculus). Mice are originally from Asia, but thanks to man they have traveled all over the world and ended up in every corner. The bond between humans and mice goes back a long way, because these clever little animals were kept as pets before the era.