Wild hedgehogs are facing increasing difficulties in finding sufficient food. This is due to several factors, including the disappearance of insects, persistent drought, and changes in our gardens. Often, we no longer have lawns and vegetation that attract insects and provide shelter for hedgehogs.
You probably know them the cheerfully fluttering "Feed moths", "Supply moth" or "Food moth". They owe their name to the location where they like to hang out: Food! That is not very pleasant for us, but in this blog we are going to tell you everything about these little critters, how to prevent them and how to get rid of them.
Some rodents such as the Gerbil, Chinchilla and Degu have a great need to bathe in sand. Bathing is not only relaxing for the animals, but also cleanses the coat, leaving it healthy and shiny. In these animals, the fur becomes greasy faster than normal, this has to do with the climate in which the animals live. Dry warm areas.
The summer is coming! That means the rabbits can go outside again! What could be nicer than sitting in the garden, enjoying the sun, while the bunnies happily hop around you. However, you can't just bring your rabbits out from the inside. Rabbits are very bad at dealing with too large temperature changes. In this blog we explain how you can approach this wisely.
The tame colored mouse comes from the house mouse (Mus musculus). Mice are originally from Asia, but thanks to man they have traveled all over the world and ended up in every corner. The bond between humans and mice goes back a long way, because these clever little animals were kept as pets before the era.