As the seasons change, so does your pet’s coat. Rabbit owners know all too well that shedding is a phenomenon that comes with losing fur, leaving tufts of fluff behind. Understanding your rabbit’s shedding is essential, not only for their comfort but also for their health. Let’s go over the basics of shedding in rabbits and discover how you can support your pet during this natural process.
As hamster owners, we want the best for our furry friends, and that starts with understanding their behavior. A common question we often get is: "What toys are suitable for hamsters?" But to be honest, hamsters don’t play in the way we're used to with other animals. In this blog, we explore hamster play behavior and how we can help them stay happy and healthy.
Did you know that rats have a remarkable trait that allows them to show empathy? Researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have discovered that the brains of rats activate the same cells when they observe the pain of others, just as when they experience pain themselves. This phenomenon, referred to as "mirror neurons," is crucial for understanding empathy, not only in rats but also in humans.
Wist je dat ratten een opmerkelijke eigenschap hebben die hen in staat stelt om empathie te tonen? Onderzoekers van het Nederlands Instituut voor Neuroscience hebben ontdekt dat de hersenen van ratten dezelfde cellen activeren wanneer ze de pijn van anderen observeren, net zoals wanneer ze zelf pijn ervaren. Dit fenomeen, dat wordt aangeduid als 'spiegelneuronen', is cruciaal voor het begrijpen van empathie, niet alleen bij ratten, maar ook bij mensen.
The Tierschutz-Kennzeichen (Animal Welfare Label) is the only official seal for products that comply with the Austrian Animal Welfare Act. It is granted by the Fachstelle für tiergerechte Tierhaltung und Tierschutz (FTT), an independent authority established by the legislator, and guarantees compliance with animal welfare regulations.