As a student, you sometimes deal with stress, a lot of homework, and figuring out your own emotions. What if we told you that there is a special pet that’s not only cozy but can also help you develop important skills? A rat! Yes, you read that right. Rats are not only clever and cute creatures, but they can also be a fantastic addition to a student’s life. In this blog, you’ll discover why a rat is the perfect pet for students and how they can positively influence your well-being and development.
Did you know that rats can laugh? Although their "laughter" isn't audible to the human ear, rats make ultrasonic squeaking sounds when they are happy or playful. This special behavior, often referred to by scientists as the "giggle response," is a sign of positive emotions and social interaction. But what does this mean for you as a rat owner? In this blog, we dive deeper into this fascinating phenomenon and explore how you can improve the well-being of your rats.
Did you know that Mongolian gerbils, also known as Meriones unguiculatus, have a surprising talent for perceiving human speech sounds? Scientific studies have shown that these small rodents can distinguish between vowels and consonants. But what does this mean for you as a gerbil owner? In this blog, you’ll discover how this research makes gerbils even more fascinating pets and how you can enjoy their unique abilities.
At DRD Knaagdierwinkel, we are always fascinated by the behavior of our little friends, and recent research has given us another glimpse into the world of mice. Did you know that for a mouse in the wild, spotting aerial predators like hawks and owls is crucial for survival? But how do mice process these visual signals into behaviors that help them avoid attacks?
Scientists at the Weizmann Institute have made an intriguing discovery about the social behavior of mice living together. In their latest research, they have shown that the complexity of the environment in which mice grow up influences their social interactions. This provides interesting insights for both scientists and mouse enthusiasts!